About Us

My Retail Store Hours are a minimum of Monday thru Friday 10am to 4pm PST. I encourage people to call ahead (805-772-9665) or email me at mfw@morrofleece.com for an appointment that fits their visit to Morro Bay. You can always ship your fleeces to me via UPS or USPS or any method that is convenient for you. I have various carriers delivering parcels daily from all over the United States.
I am Shari McKelvy, a fiber processor located on the central coast of California, about halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco. I do washing (scouring), picking, carding to batts or roving, and pin drafting. I do not spin to yarn. My pin drafted roving comes in a beautiful coil similar to a beehive or a nautical rope coil. It can be pulled for spinning or weaving directly from the box or bag without tangling or breakage. If you are processing your fiber to sell, this coil will make a very nice presentation.
We have a small retail store here where I sell hand-spun yarns, hand-woven rugs, hand knit items, felting supplies and used spinning/weaving equipment.
Although we still process alpaca and llama blanket or firsts fiber at 100%, we no longer offer alpaca and llama seconds and thirds shearing’s at 100%. The seconds (neck fiber) and thirds (belly and leg fiber) of Camelid fibers will need blended with at least 20% wool. Either I can provide the wool or you can send your own along with the llama or alpaca. Usually these lesser quality fibers have minimal crimp, are coarse and have a short staple length which makes for a roving that is difficult to create, let alone spin. We are also no longer carding mohair at 100%. Mohair must be blended with at least 20% wool. We have found 100% mohair and unblended Camelid secondary fibers to be too labor intensive and sometimes unsuccessful to process alone.
We have been offering rovings, yarns and spinning related items on eBay through my eBay store (fiberwurks) and via eBay auctions.
We have been in business since 2002 and I am delighted with the overwhelming positive response from spinners, weavers, felters and farmers.